Saturday, November 3, 2012

The Final Countdown, Lessons Learned, and the Name Game

Carter will be here in about three weeks and I am so ready. And also so not ready. Physically I'm fine! There have been a few unpleasant side effects (for example, the beginnings of gall stones we discovered this week), but honestly I have loved being pregnant. I already look forward to the next one just to go through all the different stages again. Emotionally I'm ready to see him, meet him, snuggle him, dress him up, show him off... But I'm also nervous still about raising a little boy! Not only is he a child (which I have no experience raising), but he's a boy (which I have little experience with period)! Luckily, as everyone reminds me, they grow slow enough that I have some time before I'll be responsible for manners and sharing and morals and goals and making sure he's a successful human being.

What a lesson this pregnancy has been in worry and control. I surprisingly have not been a worrywart about this pregnancy. Like at all. Which is so not me. I usually worry about everything, especially things I cannot control, and especially things that haven't happened yet (and probably never will). I'm not sure if God knew I would need peace or if I've actually grown enough to trust him and myself to know that everything will be ok. Which is not to say that I just threw caution to the wind- I killed myself to get my blood sugars great before we got pregnant and then got them even better since. And I took my vitamins and tried to limit the French fries and chocolate and have had minimal amounts of caffeine, etc. And everything has been great! This whole time the docs have been checking to make sure he grows enough and isn't too small (because of my diabetes), and sure enough we have a 90%ile baby. Already 6 lb 11 oz with an estimated two more pounds of growth. (Which I don't really believe but I skipped that day of med school so he may be right.) Thank you Father for taking care of us!

So I've liked the name Carter (see
since junior high (but of course I wasn't having any sons, just daughters, so what did it matter?!) ;D and of the 100s of names L and I went through it was one of his favorites too. And I love Carter Kane ( and am finishing up the John Carter books by Edgar Rice Burroughs ( (which are really incredible especially considering they were written 100 years ago!), and I've felt good about our choice the whole time. It's not the most common name, but its no Apple or Suri so it's doubtful he'll come home with a black eye because of it. The other day though I looked up the meaning of Carter Nicholas, and was even more sold. Carter means "transporter" or "driver" and if you know Louis you know he loves Jason Statham aka the Transporter.

And Nicholas means victory! Amen this has been a victory! Mostly over my diabetes and my battle with God for control, but I like that lil C has a strong name!

Three more doctors appointments this week, and my last days at FRE before C comes, and then I'll really be ready for him because I won't have anything to do but twiddle my fingers and pray!  These days can't go fast enough!

Monday, July 16, 2012

The Story of Carter (aka my battle with God for control)

Let me start with this.  Even with my months, no years of planning for this child, he was still a complete surprise.  Which I think is the way God likes it!

Ok I’ll rewind a bit.  In college I lived with 3 amazing girls and 3 of us got engaged within 6 weeks of each other, and got married within 7 weeks of each other.  And everyone’s money was on me to get pregnant within the first year.  And had I been a less responsible, obsessive planner type, it definitely would have happened.  Because above all else I have wanted to be a mom my whole life (and Louis feels the same about being a dad).  But we lived in Abilene for a few months while Louis finished school and had $0, and then moved to Dallas and Louis started his career and it didn't take too long to pay off our debt, but still we were married for 2 years before I had a full time job and was making actual money.  So our plans were delayed because I wanted to work for a certain amount of time (2-3 years) and have a certain amount of debt (0) and savings (as much as possible) before we brought a baby into the world.

Fast forward to Fall 2010.  I’ve just started teaching but I can see that a baby is now nearer to a possibility so I began talking to my endocrinologist about what that would take.  And in order to get his permission (yes permission), I had to have an A1c close to or less than 6.5 (average blood sugar of 150 or less).  So Summer 2011 I got the fancy glucose sensor, and got off the pill and at some point early that fall, the doc said, “it could be better but if you were pregnant right now it wouldn’t be bad”.  Which I heard as “GO!”, so we started trying.  But it wasn’t that easy since my cycle is super affected by stress, which I was because of school, and then even more so by the fact that getting pregnant wasn’t as easy as “16 & Pregnant” made it seem.  

Fast forward to March/Spring Break 2012.  I go to the ob/gyn and show her my charting and temp taking and what a mess this baby making was for us.  She agrees that it shouldn’t be this difficult for me, and she was going to run blood work, and barring anything coming up weird, start me on clomid.  If clomid didn’t do the trick for us within a couple of months, she was going to send me to a reproductive endocrinologist (with my diabetes she wasn’t going to mess around).  First off I had to get my current cycle to end (at this point 6 weeks long) & a new one to start, so she put me on progesterone to kick start it.  I did my research on both drugs, and found good info.  One thing that I read that stuck with me is someone who said that back in the day, if you took progesterone and got your period, then you weren’t pregnant, and if you took it and still didn’t get it, then you must be pregnant.  Sort of a weird pregnancy test.  Anyway, after confirming that my blood work looked normal and I still had not ovulated as of that Monday afternoon at the doctor’s, I started the progesterone, with the expectation of getting my period in 8-12 days.  8…9…10…11…12 days pass.  And nothing.  And I remember what I read.  And told Louis to go fish around in the bathroom and find a test.  And I laughed when it said “pregnant”.  Laughed.  Like Sarah.  We should have named this kid Isaac.

After all the trouble I went through- tried to make a plan, control the situation, and do it my way, God said nope, “I got this”.  Which he always does.  April of sophomore year of college?  I decided to stop worrying about never having a boyfriend and aim for Vanderbilt, where I could specialize in voice disorders.  (A very wise roommate told me that God would not have put the desire to be a wife and mother on my heart if he didn’t intend to make it so, something that has stuck with me for 6 years!)  May of that year I randomly applied and got a job at Chili's (which is SO out of my character to do something spontaneous and potentially scary) and met Louis, a boy whom I soon realized I couldn’t leave for Tennessee!  And my plan changed.  For the better.  And the same with baby boy.  And the doc can’t explain how it happened either.  On every sonogram I’ve had but one (so 5/6) he has measured the same, due on 12/3, which a predicted conception date of Monday, 3/12… the day I went to the ob/gyn to complain and figure out a plan.  The day I had bloodwork done that said I wasn’t ovulating.  What?!

I sometimes complain to myself or Louis that I don’t understand God, I don’t get why He and I can’t be on the same page about somethings, about how I don’t understand how some people never seem to be challenged and others are constantly being challenged and I’m somewhere in the middle (14 years of diabetes makes me a little bitter but still aware that I have it pretty darn good).  BUT then I look at my husband, and down at my belly which is stretching the buttons on this shirt, and think about my family, and even my sweet puppy dog, and my church family, and the job that has taught me more things than lessons  I taught, and I am so glad that God and I aren’t on the same page.  Can you imagine what your life would be like if you had planned it?  Would it be as good?  Mine wouldn’t!  I might have more money and a bigger closet but it would be lacking in so much else.  And those challenges?  I am thankful for those too, because although situations have not always come out like I wanted, I have learned from every single thing.  I hope that if you are challenged you accept that God is strengthening and molding you, and if you aren’t challenged, that you try to learn from others!  (And let’s be honest, there is always somebody who is “worse off”, so we all have a lesson to learn.)  And I hope that if you are like me, and struggling with God for control of your life, you allow him to take the reins a little more, because it is a much more scenic ride when he does!

Monday, July 2, 2012


I thought for a fun way to kick off my return to the blogosphere, I would give you a list of 25 random thoughts/facts.
  1. Foremost on my mind these days is the fact that in 18-20 weeks I will have a child.  Like I’ll be waking up every couple of hours to feed him and changing hundreds of diapers.  Really?  I still don’t think it has really sunk in.
  2. His name is Carter Nicholas.  Carter because it’s a name we both really liked, and there are some good Carter’s out there.  My favorites being John Truman Carter III (Noah Wylie’s character on ER) and Carter Kane (from Rick Riordan’s YA Fiction Series), and Louis’ being Dwayne Michael Carter, Jr (aka Lil Wayne) and Joe Carter (World Series MVP).  Nicholas is Louis’ middle name and since I “convinced” him that having a Louis Nicholas III wasn’t the best, I decided I had to use part of Lou’s name.
  3. Part of me finalizing Carter was reading Rick Riordan’s latest book and realizing that Carter Kane’s little sister’s name is Sadie.  Coincidence? I think not!
  4. I have 2 friends due the same week as me, one due two weeks after, and another a month later.  Apparently we all had the same idea in March!
  5. Carter’s due date is 12/3/12, but he will probably arrive somewhere between November 5th-19th due to my “Class C Diabetic” status.  Kind of scary that things could get hairy in November, but I am glad that my diabetes means that I’ve already gotten to see him 5 times through sonograms and will have countless more to watch and be sure he is growing properly.
  6. I will be 26 in a couple weeks.  Weird. 
  7. With a summer birthday I had 2 or 3 pool parties... for the kid who sunburns in 10 minutes.  And now I avoid sun like the plague and tell myself it’s to avoid wrinkles.
  8. As of this summer I have been out of college as long as I was in college.  Weird.
  9. Louis and I have been married for 1,423 days.  Wow.  My parents have been married for 10,643 days.  WOW.  Can’t wait til we hit the 10,000 day mark on Christmas 2035. (!) (And let’s be real, I can wait!)
  10. Louis and I want 4 kids.  But as a friend remarked last night, “Let’s see if we like this one first!”
  11. I have the best parents in the universe (they’re going to be getting a lot of calls for advice in the coming years!) and I am very much my parents child.  There is hardly an original thing about me ;)  some things from Daddy: stubborn, mathematical, fine hair, my feet, appreciation for how things work; from Momma: emotional, bookworm, fair skin, sweet tooth, my love for antiques and country music.
  12. I have two younger sisters and Louis has three younger brothers.  We are both classic oldest siblings, so we are both stubborn, bossy, know-it-alls who expect to get our way.  We're working on it...
  13. My sisters are my best friends.  Louis is great, but the night before a wedding I have to text one of them for advice on which dress to wear, and they’re the ones helping me pick nursery furniture and crib bedding.  Kara, Macy, and I made a plan long ago to live next door to each other and my mom and have kids at the same time.  I still plan on fulfilling my part of the deal!
  14. Speaking of sisters, you know those 4 kids we want?  I want two of each (which hopefully God & I are on the same page about J), because I want Carter to have a brother, but I also want him to have a sister, and she needs a sister too.  Make sense?
  15. I love Pinterest.  I’m not as obsessed as some people, but I’ve been a faithful member for a long while, even before it was cool (since my aforementioned awesome sisters are always on the up & up on what will be cool).  And now my goal is to put all those pinned recipes, crafts, patterns, ideas, tips to good use.  After we get back from our roadtrip I’m going to plan a week of only pinterest inspired food & activities.
  16. And speaking of our roadtrip, Louis and I are going on a 10 day (!) roadtrip from July 9th to 19th.  It will be a fun trip!  Hopefully I’ll still love my husband by the end :)
  17. I have never been to any of those cities or states or seen the Pacific Ocean or a proper mountain, so I am happy to cross a bunch of things off my bucket list!
  18. My summer TV faves: Suits, Rookie Blue, SYTYCD, and White Collar.
  19. My favorite books this summer…  Ha like I can pick a favorite.  I’m pretty sure I’ve already read 15+ books in the last 4 weeks, with a nice stack still waiting for me!  I’m a reader.  Probably unlike anyone else you know.  Nothing makes me happier or more relaxed.  And I don’t do Kindle/Nook unless I just have to or I can find good free stuff.  I like having a book in my hands and shelves full of them just waiting to be reread.
  20. I can sew, crochet, and knit, and next I would like to learn to quilt.  I know how to piece it, just not the actual quilting part.
  21. Things I collect: crosses, dishes, books, clothes.  Ok collect might be the wrong verb but I do have a lot of all of those things.
  22. Best compliment I can remember receiving: “I think if I had kids and I had to trust someone else to take care of them, it would be you.”  And that friend may not even remember saying that but it stuck with me as a good representation of who I am, what is truly most important to me, and who I want to be!
  23. Second best compliment I ever received: “You remind me of Rory Gilmore.”  Not only is Alexis Bledel beautiful, Rory is a smart, sarcastic, quick witted, and well-read lady.  Girl after my own heart.
  24. I’m kind of obsessed with my puppy dog.  Though to be clear, I don’t know anyone who has met her and not loved her (if they were a dog person).  She is very calm, well mannered, and very sweet.  She loves sitting up on her hind feet, laying in the sun, getting her ears or belly rubbed, and napping on every cushioned surface in the house.  I’ve seen her with a few small kids and she has always been gentle and has taken their ear or tail tugging in stride.  I know she is going to be so good with baby Carter!
  25. My goal in life is to be the ultimate mom.  Note: not the cool mom.  Basically I want to be like my mom.  I never thought she was “cool”, but looking back, I know she did everything for us and gave us everything.  We had the best Halloween costumes, best birthday parties at home, home cooked meals.  She helped out at school and with Girl Scouts, and at church in Bible Hour, VBS, and small groups.  If I had ever played a sport I know she would have been out there with a cooler of CapriSuns and oranges cheering us on and trying to learn the rules to T-ball.  She taught me responsibility and work ethic, manners, how to treat other people, how to read!, how to sew, to love and value myself, to make and strive for high goals, and how to quietly love and trust in God.