Tuesday, July 29, 2014

27 needles

Yesterday I had two doctors appointments. Louis was kind enough to work from home and stay with Carter because one of them was my bi-weekly ultrasound (which Carter only has limited patience for) and the other was my first acupuncture appointment. Yes, you read that right, acupuncture.

I went to a doc in Preston Hollow whom I allowed, nay paid to stick me with needles. 27 of them in fact. I ended up with three in each ear (the most uncomfortable for sure), two in each arm, five in my stomach, and three on each leg, then after 20 minutes I rolled over and he did four in my back and one on each ankle. 

It wasn't that bad, but it wasn't the most fun 45 minutes I've ever had. During the 20 minute waits you have to lay still, and he turns off the light, has soft music playing, and turns on a heat lamp. I had plenty of time to think. I started by thinking positive, hopeful thoughts. "This cycle is going to work." "We are going to get pregnant with the perfect, healthy baby boy or girl (but hopefully girl)(but most hopefully healthy)." "We're going to get a nice big sticky egg." And then I  turned to less lofty thoughts... "Ow, don't turn your head Dana, those ear ones are tender." "Can you believe you're doing this? This better help. I don't know how many sessions of this I can take." "Is this even for real? I bet I could stick needles in people." And then I thought, this is what it's come to. This is how desperate I am!

Desperate. A word that I've used before but now am really feeling and understanding. The only pressure I've felt at any point in this process is self induced, and somehow I managed in ramp it up even more. I'm having trouble undoing that pressure. 

The ultrasound results were very positive. This was our first round of femara, and on day 13 we had a nice 22x24mm follicle. Right where we need to be. We'll know around our anniversary if April will be the month of Baby P or not!

Next: Grief. And a little hope.

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Not pregnant

Seriously the worst words in the universe. For some people that would be good news, but I have never taken a pregnancy test and wanted that result. I will warn you, this was a rough time for me and this may be a rough post.

I just took a test and even though it *could* be too early to tell, it was one of the highly sensitive ones, and so it could have picked up on something if there was something to pick up on. I saw the single line and my heart dropped and I now have a headache and am sick to my stomach. As much as I knew this was the probable result after 3 previously failed cycles and the results of the ultrasound, a HUGE part of me wanted this cycle to work. I wanted to get pregnant immediately, with another little girl, or heck, two. That would be redemptive. 

I am just so darn angry that this is so difficult. Why? Why? Why? ALL I want is to be a pregnant. Seriously. I would give up our house, my new car, my closet full of clothes, all the little luxuries I enjoy, heck I would probably give up diet coke and chocolate forever if someone told me that would mean we could get pregnant when and how we wanted. Oh and carbs. And reading. 

I'm going to say something that will probably upset a few people but it's how I feel and that's that. The miscarriage was difficult. Heart breaking. Soul cracking. Faith rocking. It is impossibly difficult to grieve someone you didn't even know, but fell so completely in love with in a matter of seconds. You don't have memories to remember them by, and so many outsiders cannot relate. BUT. To me, the monthly (yearly?) struggle to get pregnant is a little worse. Yes, there isn't loss. But there also is very little hope. 11.5 months of pregnancy in 40+ un-prevented months doesn't make for good odds. Now multiple miscarriages, that's a different story. Something I can't comment on. But not being certain if 1) I can or will get pregnant again PLUS 2) the possibility of losing another baby takes such a huge emotional toll...

I am constantly consumed with thoughts about our family, our angel daughter, our potential future children and the possibility of having to find another avenue to complete our family. Constantly wondering if the drugs are doing what they should, if a good sperm got with a good egg and implanted or not. If I am a few weeks pregnant or just waiting for my period. If next month is going to be the trick. Is March 23rd going to be my due date? Or end of April? Or May? Or the summer? Or never again? 

Between my OCD, my type A-ness, my anxiety, and my control issues, this is something that is FAR too big to easily give up to God. I cannot figure out how to not think about it, not worry about it. Not wonder and dream and hope but also be realistic. That isn't my nature and if that is the point of all this drama then that stinks. How do I give it up? Does anyone have any advice? Has anyone else also been through something so big that they couldn't do it alone? I can not physically do any more than I'm doing right now. But I don't know if I can emotionally back off.

Next: 27 Needles

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Waiting to exhale

Well we are in the midst of the "TWW". This weekend (also my 28th birthday) we will hopefully get a positive pregnancy test, or AF will show up Monday or Tuesday.

When we went in for our day 12 ultrasound, we found 1 medium follicle (15mm) and 4-5 small ones. Ugh. Not what we hoped. It ended up taking another week for me to ovulate, so it's very very possible that by then we had a nice healthy big follicle in there (they grow about 2 mm per day), but still the clomid isn't working exactly like it should. The predictable response should be for ovulation to occur on or very near day 14 with a nice big follicle. Since it didn't give me that big follicle and I didn't ovulate until day 19, next month the plan will probably we change. 

My doc already kind of laid out the plan (which is why I love him, already thinking ahead and being proactive instead of reactive). He's afraid more clomid will give us more follicles instead of one bigger timely one (as desperately as I want a big family I don't want quints...). Next month we'll try femara, which is a drug developed for a very different purpose, but which gives a similar result. If this month isn't successful hopefully that will do the trick. 

I have mixed feelings about testing this weekend. I'm frustrated that we got a good egg in January and a bad sperm is the one that was successful in fertilizing it (I'll go ahead and throw it out there that nothing Louis did or didn't do had anything to do with it and I in no way hold him responsible.  Just bad luck!). Like, if it wasn't going to work out, why let it work at all? It could have been another failed cycle and then maybe February would have worked and I would still be halfway through a healthy pregnancy. The last double line test I got was such a roller coaster and something I am definitely not ready to go through again. I already feel like this month will be unsuccessful, and I'm not looking forward to many more months of all these up and downs. Though if it is positive I will still be holding my breath for 8 or more weeks while we wait to see if everything is ok. Ready for this piece of life to be over!

Next: Not Pregnant

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Checking In

(Stolen from someone, possibly Kate Bryan)

Making: Pre-K lesson plans
Cooking: very little. I'm in the midst of organizing the mother of all freezer cooking sessions, so it's super easy stuff for now. 
Drinking : diet caffeine free coke (aka flavored, colored water)
Reading: Interrupted by Jen Hatmaker and Birth by Tina Cassidy (I NEVER read two at once but Interrupted's a little heavy!)
Wanting: someone to clean and organize my bathroom for me
Looking: forward to setting up my classroom next week & then heading to Port A with my favorite people in the world!
Playing: Netflix. Lots of Star Trek when I can't sleep. 
Wasting: time. It's 3:32 am. I should have been asleep hours ago like my snoring husband. 
Sewing: the answer should be curtains, but the fabric is sitting on my sewing table, waiting patiently. 
Wishing: we could gut the aforementioned bathroom & start over. (Someday!) 
Enjoying: our house! We've had so much company lately that it's stayed really clean & picked up and it's so nice!
Waiting: for Godot. 
Liking: the feeling I'm getting from prepping for school. After months of feeling adrift, I am back in my element, organized, and in control!
Wondering: if the busyness I'm creating for myself to stay distracted is a healthy or unhealthy coping mechanism. 
Loving: this stage of Carter's! He is doing the cutest, smartest, big boy things & picking up new skills left & right! 
Hoping: the transition from 1 nap to 2 (that I think is imminent) goes smoothly! 
Needing: to go to sleep!!!
Smelling: clean sheets
Wearing: the least attractive pjs ever (imagine long sleeved, collared, button down, to about mid-thigh, in a blue stripe pattern, with yoga capris & socks)
Noticing: I probably need new pjs. 
Knowing: my husband doesn't care. (But I digress.)
Thinking: about way too much as usual. 
Feeling: anxious. Excited. Nervous. Impatient. 
Opening: up a new chapter? (That's an awkward prompt!) I am feeling positive about what the next year will bring!

My low-light reel

So all over Pinterest and Facebook lately I have seen graphics like these:

Which must mean a lot of people need the reminder, including myself!

I definitely have times where I cut myself off from Facebook (see: http://thepalaciospensieve.blogspot.com/2013/03/lintfacebooklent.html) because I find myself discontent with my own life as a result of what others post.

I try, on my own wall, to post things with a healthy balance of encouragement, humor, and realism, without too much negativity or bragging. I don't want anyone (including my child one day) to think he is anything but the best thing I've ever done, regardless of temper tantrums, short naps, or failed meals. I also don't want anyone to think he or I are perfect, because that is far from true. 

Recently I read this blog post (http://www.thehandmadehome.net/2014/06/stop-apologizing-already/) and even though her point was a little different, the gist was so similar to thoughts I had been having over the last few days. I decided to snap a few photos and show you my low-light reel, because stressing about a messy house and dirty laundry aren't why God blessed us with a house and plenty of clothes to wear!

Still not unpacked from Chicago... (I actually did finish unpacking last night!)

All three baskets have clean clothes that need to be folded/hung up/put away!

Because those three baskets are already full, this is the mound of laundry growing in our bathroom... 

This is Carter's playroom. And it is this messy almost constantly. Pinterest worthy, right?

This is our sink, which only looks this way because this morning I spent 45 minutes unloading, reloading, and running the dishwasher, which should have happened when the load finished, two days ago...

I'm not saying we shouldn't clean our houses or worry about such things, but we have to give ourselves a break sometimes! Everybody has something that falls through the cracks every once in awhile. We cannot always keep all of our balls up in the air, that is exhausting. As a follow up to my last post, for me, part of "living in the moment" is keeping my house clean enough that I can enjoy it and not be stressed, but not worrying about making it "perfect". We've lived here for 364 days and there is one (1) curtain hung (Carter's room). I still have a box I haven't unpacked. My bathroom is still not organized enough to be as functional as it should. I still have two crates full of pictures and wall art that need to find a home on the walls. I have bought things for projects that I haven't even started. 

BUT. My little guy is happy. We all have comfy beds to sleep in at night. We have food in the fridge. I can have the house ready for guests in about an hour. We love each other, love the Lord, and are loved by him in return. So everything else is just noise.