I just took a test and even though it *could* be too early to tell, it was one of the highly sensitive ones, and so it could have picked up on something if there was something to pick up on. I saw the single line and my heart dropped and I now have a headache and am sick to my stomach. As much as I knew this was the probable result after 3 previously failed cycles and the results of the ultrasound, a HUGE part of me wanted this cycle to work. I wanted to get pregnant immediately, with another little girl, or heck, two. That would be redemptive.
I am just so darn angry that this is so difficult. Why? Why? Why? ALL I want is to be a pregnant. Seriously. I would give up our house, my new car, my closet full of clothes, all the little luxuries I enjoy, heck I would probably give up diet coke and chocolate forever if someone told me that would mean we could get pregnant when and how we wanted. Oh and carbs. And reading.
I'm going to say something that will probably upset a few people but it's how I feel and that's that. The miscarriage was difficult. Heart breaking. Soul cracking. Faith rocking. It is impossibly difficult to grieve someone you didn't even know, but fell so completely in love with in a matter of seconds. You don't have memories to remember them by, and so many outsiders cannot relate. BUT. To me, the monthly (yearly?) struggle to get pregnant is a little worse. Yes, there isn't loss. But there also is very little hope. 11.5 months of pregnancy in 40+ un-prevented months doesn't make for good odds. Now multiple miscarriages, that's a different story. Something I can't comment on. But not being certain if 1) I can or will get pregnant again PLUS 2) the possibility of losing another baby takes such a huge emotional toll...
I am constantly consumed with thoughts about our family, our angel daughter, our potential future children and the possibility of having to find another avenue to complete our family. Constantly wondering if the drugs are doing what they should, if a good sperm got with a good egg and implanted or not. If I am a few weeks pregnant or just waiting for my period. If next month is going to be the trick. Is March 23rd going to be my due date? Or end of April? Or May? Or the summer? Or never again?
Between my OCD, my type A-ness, my anxiety, and my control issues, this is something that is FAR too big to easily give up to God. I cannot figure out how to not think about it, not worry about it. Not wonder and dream and hope but also be realistic. That isn't my nature and if that is the point of all this drama then that stinks. How do I give it up? Does anyone have any advice? Has anyone else also been through something so big that they couldn't do it alone? I can not physically do any more than I'm doing right now. But I don't know if I can emotionally back off.
Next: 27 Needles
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