Monday, August 5, 2013

A Whole Lot of Update About Nothing

I seem to constantly wishing I had time to sit and write (about what I'm not always sure), but never doing it! Instead when I do sit I play silly games on my phone or check Facebook, twitter, or Instagram... Thanks to the advice of a couple friends, I downloaded Feedly, caught up on many blogs I hadn't read in awhile - both of people I actually know and people I only know through the internets- and now I'm inspired to write myself!

Since I wrote after Mother's Day we have: had Louis' first Father's Day, accepted an offer on our house and put in one of our own, Louis' 26th birthday, Carter's first July 4th, moved from the old to the new house, my 27th birthday, my gallbladder came out, and now Carter is 8.5 months old.  It sounds super eventful, and it was to a certain extent, but there was also a lot of down time and waiting in all of that! Buying a house while selling another is the least fun thing ever, which is why I am planning on dying in this house- just bury me out back. We are IN LOVE with the new house and all the space that we just can't wait to fill up with more babies! Well that's only partly true, but you know what I mean.

Only way momma gets to shower!

Carter is such a joy and definitely the best child I have ever had. He is constantly smiling at everything & everyone- he is going to give us a run for our money.  Not only will this child get anything and everything he wants from us, but his grandparents, friends parents, and complete strangers are already under his spell!

He has a bunch of buddies at church born within a few weeks of him and it is so fun to see their personalities develop. So far he's the charming one. (I'd say flirty but he does it to everyone, not just cute girls!) He has been an early mover, a great sleeper, but a poor eater. Well a good sleeper until a few weeks ago. I'm not sure if its the move, a stage, or what, but he ends up in our bed a lot of the time because neither one of us wants to get up and soothe him every time, and he'd cant cry it out since his crib is in our room! (Why put him upstairs alone when we have an empty sitting area in the master?)
In love with precious snuggle time. And those lashes! What boy needs blue eyes & long dark lashes?!

Luckily we seem to be on the downhill side of the solids mountain.  He has taken forever to get on board, and due to the house being listed, then packing & moving, I haven't been able to practice with him as often as I wanted. But lately he's been great so we'll see. Right now he has a cold & barely takes a bottle so here's hoping we don't backtrack!

Constantly. Getting. Into. EVERYTHING!

I am almost done unpacking so soon I can start the decorating/home improvement/DIY projects. I have big plans- lucky for Louis Pinterest didn't exist when we moved into the last house, but unluckily for him it exists now! Every wall in the house is beige, so I definitely have paint in my plans. Plus updating light fixtures, door knobs, cabinet & drawer pulls, and curtains right off the bat. Most of the other projects will have to happen in phases for budgetary reasons, but seeing as I can't make up my mind and haven't figured out what to do with a lot of the spaces, that's ok. If anyone wants to come over & suggest what I do, I'd accept the help & pay you in baked goods!!!

Cabinets are not this vibrant in real life. What do I do in here?! Latest opinion is a washed out/chalky turquoise blue...?