Thursday, February 20, 2014


Have you ever regretted something without being exactly sure what it is?

Like somewhere along the line you messed up, and now you don't know how to fix it. Or whether it can be fixed. Or even when you thought you'd done better, you thought you'd avoided past pitfalls and errors, you managed to screw up in some new unknown way that only may be identified with hindsight and a lot of reflection. 

I tend toward the negative, the melancholy, the what-ifs that often never will be and the could'ves that probably never would have been. I'm an anxious, worrier and in my opinion, highly emotional, which is not helped by what we have going on in our lives right now. I tend to worry too much about the extrinsic, without enough focus on the intrinsic. I am sensitive to how others feel, and what they say, and what they do, often to a fault.

All this to say I got my feelings hurt recently. By a small group but one specific member of the group is one who is dear to me and is usually more cautious about stuff like this. And I can't get it out of my mind. But I realized that I am looking at it the wrong way. I have been worrying about what I did wrong. What did I do or not do that I should have? Did I say something? Or not say something? In my mind the fault was mine. And I have been regretting whatever it is that I did that caused this to happen. 

But my baby sister in her infinite wisdom said a couple things that made me turn the situation upside-down. One, "girls are mean", which is both always true and not necessarily true. I think at the root of that is "people are thoughtless". And not in an ugly way, just we all have one perspective from which we live, and to consider other perspectives takes practice. I don't think that being thoughtFUL is inherent. Two, "we're good people". Which is not to say that I didn't contribute to the situation or that I can't contribute to the solution. But to blame myself is... Self destructive? Unhelpful? Unnecessary? I think the blame & regret comes from Satan himself (and I rarely can see his involvement in my life so specifically). I don't think that Satan orchestrated the situation that hurt me, but I totally think he warped my reaction to it. Instead of letting it roll off my back, I got very upset, and let it tarnish a day that was very special to our family.

What am I going to do? I don't know. Get over it somehow. Try to avoid it happening again. Be sure to guard my heart from Satan getting in & creating cracks. I still have regrets. I don't think regrets are bad, as long as you don't dwell on them and instead try to grow and learn from them. Can I do this? I don't know. But I will be praying for the peace and strength to do so!

Next: 9 Weeks

Tuesday, February 18, 2014


Which means Big Fat Positive, if you don't read a lot of fertility/ttc (trying to conceive) message boards.

I meant to bring a test with me to Austin this weekend to take Sunday morning, but forgot, so I had to do it yesterday. Luckily I had one "FRER" (First Response Early Result) under the sink, which are supposed to be the most sensitive to the hormones. My period should be coming on Thursday, so this was 3 days early. Not impossible to get a + but definitely possible to get a false negative, so I was cautious as I approached the porcelain throne. I did the deed and then set it down face down. I played on my phone for a few minutes (Quiz Up!) and then flipped it over. Two pink lines. Thank you God. I had told Louis I was about to hop in the shower but needed to tell him immediately. I couldn't wait to come up with some clever way to tell him. The first time he got a photo text of the test, and this time I went upstairs and acted like nothing was going on and then handed the test to him. His response? "What does this mean?". Umm honey, it says right there on the stick what it means! But I confirmed his suspicion and we hugged and rejoiced! His next question was "what's her name?", and while I appreciate his positive thinking, I really am going to do my best to not get my hopes up and prepare for the possibility of another boy. 

And since then we've been mentioning it here and there. Last time I'm pretty sure we hardly talked about it, or at least talked about it as if it was uncertain for several days while we waited for the lab work to come back. If I remember right, I took the first test Sunday morning, had labs on Monday and Wednesday, and the doc (bless her heart) called me Wednesday night. I called my sisters immediately after! Mom and Dad I told a week or so later with a more fun method than just a phone call. And Louis' parents was a month later again with a fun method. This time we are feeling more comfortable I suppose, although I'm planning on waiting on sharing until my first appointment at 6 weeks. I took a dollar store test this morning and it was faint but also positive, and I will probably take a few more over the next two weeks, just to confirm it's true and get it to sink in. Last time I had two rounds of blood work and 2 ultrasounds by 6 weeks, so it felt very real.  

I'm happy. Overjoyed. Thankful. Nervous. Excited. Anxious. Blessed. Delighted. I want to have a good long prayer and thank God for taking care of me. And ask him to continue to do so. But I honestly can't find the words. It might have to be something I hand write, because my brain is going too fast in too many directions to focus on the words I need. 

And update, all last week I worked on my list. I found fabric for the playroom curtains and spray painted every doorknob, towel bar, toilet paper holder and bathroom light fixture I could get my hands on. It definitely helped the time pass! This week Carter has two dr appointments and two therapy related appointments, and Macy and I are working on Bachelorette Party stuff, so I'll be busy, but I'm also going to keep working on the list! I survived the TWW til test day, now I have a TWW until appointment day!

Next: Regrets

Thursday, February 6, 2014

I lied

Tonight we conceived a baby girl. :) I got the positive ovulation test this morning and have had an headache and cramping on the right side today, so I'm pretty sure it's for real. I am optimistic since I haven't had these symptoms before (that I noticed), so hopefully the stronger symptoms as a result of more hormones mean a better result...?

I am worried about why I ovulated late. It should have been Monday, so why the delay? Something I will definitely address with the doc if we have to do another round. 

I am not ready for the two week wait. Luckily, today I finalized the plans for Kara's bachelorette dinner/party/lingerie shower on March 7th, part of which involves coming to our house afterward. Therefore, the projects shall begin! Only kind of because we don't need to be spending money on big things, but before then I would like to:
-Finish & hang curtains in family room (plus other curtains elsewhere?)
-Spray paint every gold thing I can to be oil rubbed bronze
-Hang the new entryway & dining room chandeliers (need a professional for the entryway!)
-Hang up more things on the walls
-Hang curtains and art in the master bedroom
-Figure out what to do with Carter and the potential #2 (move Carter now? Later? Start #2 upstairs pretty quick, or like a year in and leave downstairs? Put Carter in the nursery or another room? And what furniture is going where???)
-Paint something (Kitchen? Powder bath? Laundry room? Master bed?)

We'll see which of these things actually happen! Louis was kind enough to move the tv from our bedroom into the playroom, so now I can watch Netflix on the Wii while Carter plays. And he generally ignores the tv so it's working out ok. Once he notices how wonderful it is this plan may have to change. But anyway, I now have very little motivation to get off that oh-so-comfy-even-though-it's-hideous couch! But I have stuff to do! Got to get going!

Next: BFP

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

This morning we conceived a baby girl.

Power of positive thinking, right? ;)

I actually started the weekend really positive, but now am unsure. On Friday I had an ultrasound to see what the double dose of clomid did to my follicles. On the smaller dose, my biggest was 16 mm, and if you factor in a little more growth before ovulation, maybe was 20? This time I had a 23 mm follicle which also would grow a little more before being released, which he thought we happen on Sunday or Monday. Seems silly to be excited about less than a cm difference, but the smaller one was really on the cusp of being big enough for success, whereas this one is exactly what they like to see. I never got a positive ovulation test though, so I'm not sure. The test detects a surge in LH which usually is what signals the follicle to erupt. I have gotten a positive result the last three cycles, so I am not sure if I missed the surge, or if it hasn't happened, or if the clomid messed with the results. I will probably call the doc in a couple days if I still don't see it and ask for a progesterone test. 

I would love for it to happen this month (just like the last three I suppose, but this time with reason). If it's not until next month then Carter & #2 will be 2 years almost to the week apart, & the next month would be a Christmas baby, but the next cycle after that seems so far away. Anyway, the doc is feeling positive, but I am on the fence. 

Carter is teething, and either has a cold or allergies, which have lasted almost a month. He's had fever here & there (thrice!), but the doc said he didn't see any signs of infection, just a cold. Hopefully he's on the mend because he hasn't been eating well and I am losing patience. Not with him in general, with the feeding. Things that he had been eating well are now of no interest and I'm running out of ideas! His therapist comes tomorrow and a dietician on Friday, so hopefully they have some ideas. I still am thankful that if I could have either a good sleeper or a good eater I got the good sleeper (generally), but this is the pits. Getting old real fast kid...!

Next: I Lied