Yesterday morning I was feeding Carter and suddenly had pretty intense pain very low in my abdomen. Had I been on my period I would have sworn I had cramps, and had it continued I definitely would have taken ibuprofen, but it didn't last long, and since I'm still 4 days away from a potential period, it wasn't cramps. I am hoping that it was implantation...? Again, since last time I had no idea what was going on I wasn't looking for or expecting any symptoms so I have nothing to compare it to, but the timing is right. According to the expensive pregnancy tests I could potentially know today if we are pregnant, but since I implanted a little late (6-12 days after is normal, I *think* I was 9)(so not late but not early), I'm not sure if it is soon enough to show up. The internet (oh the internet, so many non-medical opinions all at your fingertips) vary but seem to agree it takes a couple of days for hcg to show up in quantities large enough to be measured without a blood test. Maybe tomorrow I'll take one of the middle range tests I got and Saturday I'll try the expensive kind? I don't know...
In unrelated news, took Carter to the pediatrician yesterday because the clear snot he's had since Saturday turned yellow, and his eyes have been goopy. He hasn't acted miserable, but I'm glad I went in, because turns out he has a sinus infection and an ear infection. Whoohoo. 10 days of antibiotics and he should be good as new. Luckily doc says he should be improved within 24 hours, and isn't contagious. He has been coughing more than he was yesterday morning, so I'm glad I didn't wait to go in, knowing that it has progressed. He's a trooper and has been sleeping well and still playing and smiling, but I can tell he isn't himself. Hopefully the drugs really do kick in quick so my little guy can get back to business!
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