Saturday, November 3, 2012

The Final Countdown, Lessons Learned, and the Name Game

Carter will be here in about three weeks and I am so ready. And also so not ready. Physically I'm fine! There have been a few unpleasant side effects (for example, the beginnings of gall stones we discovered this week), but honestly I have loved being pregnant. I already look forward to the next one just to go through all the different stages again. Emotionally I'm ready to see him, meet him, snuggle him, dress him up, show him off... But I'm also nervous still about raising a little boy! Not only is he a child (which I have no experience raising), but he's a boy (which I have little experience with period)! Luckily, as everyone reminds me, they grow slow enough that I have some time before I'll be responsible for manners and sharing and morals and goals and making sure he's a successful human being.

What a lesson this pregnancy has been in worry and control. I surprisingly have not been a worrywart about this pregnancy. Like at all. Which is so not me. I usually worry about everything, especially things I cannot control, and especially things that haven't happened yet (and probably never will). I'm not sure if God knew I would need peace or if I've actually grown enough to trust him and myself to know that everything will be ok. Which is not to say that I just threw caution to the wind- I killed myself to get my blood sugars great before we got pregnant and then got them even better since. And I took my vitamins and tried to limit the French fries and chocolate and have had minimal amounts of caffeine, etc. And everything has been great! This whole time the docs have been checking to make sure he grows enough and isn't too small (because of my diabetes), and sure enough we have a 90%ile baby. Already 6 lb 11 oz with an estimated two more pounds of growth. (Which I don't really believe but I skipped that day of med school so he may be right.) Thank you Father for taking care of us!

So I've liked the name Carter (see
since junior high (but of course I wasn't having any sons, just daughters, so what did it matter?!) ;D and of the 100s of names L and I went through it was one of his favorites too. And I love Carter Kane ( and am finishing up the John Carter books by Edgar Rice Burroughs ( (which are really incredible especially considering they were written 100 years ago!), and I've felt good about our choice the whole time. It's not the most common name, but its no Apple or Suri so it's doubtful he'll come home with a black eye because of it. The other day though I looked up the meaning of Carter Nicholas, and was even more sold. Carter means "transporter" or "driver" and if you know Louis you know he loves Jason Statham aka the Transporter.

And Nicholas means victory! Amen this has been a victory! Mostly over my diabetes and my battle with God for control, but I like that lil C has a strong name!

Three more doctors appointments this week, and my last days at FRE before C comes, and then I'll really be ready for him because I won't have anything to do but twiddle my fingers and pray!  These days can't go fast enough!

1 comment:

  1. God bless you both (I mean three!); I miss you still but think of you often. I thank Him for bringing you into my life (if even for but 1/2 a year). You still teach me more than I ever taught you. Can't wait to hear about C's arrival. I'd love to meet him soon after!!
