Friday, June 13, 2014

Dear Carter

I am sitting in your playroom writing this as you run around in your robot pjs, with a breakfast smeared face, simultaneously managing to wreck havoc while organizing funny things, like putting my slippers on the shelf and stacking up the cars. 

I've been thinking lately what an exciting time in your life this is! I feel like this is the fastest period of development next to being a newborn. You literally are figuring out something new everyday. Your communication skills aren't super strong (although I almost always know what you want when you point and grunt), but you make up for it in every other way, so I'm not too worried! You can run so fast I have to run as well to catch you. You can throw a ball (or your dinner) with accuracy (aka right at me). You can dunk the basketball. You can climb on almost anything now. You're so strong that even things that are too tall to get a leg up on you can pull up on. You are watching Daddy and me and imitating everything! You love to feel like a big boy and do exactly what we do. You love your puppy dogs, and they love you back, most of the time. You love the water. You love baths, showers, pool time, the splash park, the dogs' water bowls, or even a decent sized puddle! Yesterday you climbed into your kiddie pool that was empty except for a little rainwater, and managed to get wet from head to toe. Shirt, overalls, socks & shoes all had to come off! You like to clean, organize, stack, sort. You will sweep with the broom and if you find anything that looks like a paper towel you will use it to clean. You like headbands and shoes. You will put on any pair you find, whether they're mine or dad's and even if you already have shoes on. You do talk constantly, but very little of it is real words. Yesterday you dropped your cup & said "uh oh!" for the first time! You are finally interested in books, and will do more than throw them. You look at them by yourself (usually upside down for some reason), but also will crawl into our laps and let us read to you.

Since you were tiny you have been stubborn and opinionated. You have always wanted to do things your way. (I have no idea where you get that from!) This is great because you crawled and walked early, but I knew you were going to be slow to talk, because what's the need in communicating when you can do it yourself? When we're out Daddy likes to hold your hand and let you walk around, but that's easier said than done since there's a 100% chance you pull away and take off running. You may look like me but you are all Daddy on the inside!

After months of worrying and working, you are finally a decent eater! Still as unpredictable as any toddler, but I can usually count on you to eat your favorites, especially Mexican food! You can now drink out of a sippy cup, through a straw, or a regular cup by yourself! You're reluctant to practice with a spoon or fork for very long, because you can eat so much faster with your hands!

You only have 6 teeth, although all signs point to more very soon! Teething is honestly no big deal so far. You don't act any different and I am thankful for that!  Several people told us late teethers were easier than early ones, and that is proving true! I do wish you were farther along, because eating will be so much easier when you have more! (Like apples, which are the one fruit you try to eat, but end up swallowing a lot whole because your gums just can't crush them up enough!)

You are THE BEST SLEEPER! And momma is so grateful because I need my sleep! You still sleep 11 hours at night and then two 2 hour naps per day. When you are awake you are go-go-going, so I know you tucker yourself out! 

You are still a snuggler, and you give the best hugs. You like to pat my arm or back while I hold you, and when you're sleepy you still bury your fingers in my hair (and then yours when I lay you down). You give kisses, but not on command, only when you feel like it. You suddenly will come at us with an open mouth, aiming for our mouths! (I'm working with you on puckering!) I love when you come crawl in my lap and lean into me. I might have to find a new soap for the next baby, so I can always associate the smell of Aveeno with my guy. 

The whole point of this was to share a little bit of what you're up to, but mostly to make sure you know how much I love you! You're a boy, so this probably won't make you cry like it would your Momma, but one day, either when you're a little older, or a lot older, I hope you will read this and appreciate it. I should have kept better records of what you're into at each stage, but we can always check Facebook and see what I wrote! :) I cherish every single day with you. I LOVED having you in my tummy - every day you grew I was smiling more than I ever had before. I LOVE having you out of my tummy just as much. I complain to daddy that I'm bored, or lonely sometimes, but honestly I wouldn't give up staying home with you! I fought very hard for you, and you're the best thing I've ever done. Losing your little brother or sister a couple of months ago was a reminder to focus on you for the foreseeable future! Momma would have liked to make you a big brother this summer, but now I get to focus on you and make you the happiest guy ever! Hopefully we won't ruin you by spoiling you rotten for a little while!

You were throwing a ball around, but now you're dancing with your "Animales" book, so I'm thinking it's getting close to nap time! I love you little one! 


1 comment:

  1. Love this, and walking our journey parallel with yours.
